Bellerive Kangaroo Bluff Fort

A Glimpse into Hobart's Colonial past

Built as part of Hobart's coastal defense network to defend against adversaries of the British empire.

Hobart Town was considered a major freight hub for the British Empire, when Russian warships were sighted in the Derwent River in 1873 the authorities deemed something needed to be built to protect an otherwise defenseless Hobart.

The Bellerive Bluff Fort started construction in 1880 and is built into a pentagon shape with a sea cliff to one side.

In the later part of the 18th century this functional defensive fort packed a punch with two 14 tonne cannons which took 81kg shells! As well as two smaller 6 pound cannons which had only 2.7kg shells. There were two Nordenfelt machine guns mounted either side of the entrance of the gate. There is a moat that runs the front of the fort with broken glass set into tops of the walls. At each end of the moat there is a caponier with rifle portholes for the British infantry soldiers.

There are a series of tunnels built into the fort to provide storage of supplies and ammunition. Any chance of a successful infantry assault against this fort would mean climbing the sheer sea cliffs of the bluff.

Bellerive Bluff Fort is a fascinating glimpse into Hobart's past and I am sure you love to explore all of the nooks and crannies that this historic fort provides.

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